


      Effect of physiological aging on binocular vision

      第一作者: Yan, Fang-Fang
      聯(lián)系作者: Huang, Chang-Bing
      刊物名稱(chēng): PSYCH JOURNAL
      發(fā)表年度: 2021
      頁(yè): 12
      影響因子: 0.785

      We see the world with two eyes. Binocular vision provides more ample information through interocular interaction. Previous studies have shown that aging impairs a variety of visual functions, but how aging affects binocular vision is still unclear. In this study, we measured three typical binocular functions-binocular combination, binocular rivalry, and stereo vision-to investigate aging-related effects on binocular vision in a relatively large sample (48 younger adults and 27 older adults) with normal or corrected-to-normal distance vision and no ophthalmological and mental diseases. We found that there were no consistent aging-related declines in binocular vision, with the worst effect on alternation frequency in binocular rivalry and no effect on binocular phase combination and stereo vision tested by Titmus. In addition, aging changed the correlation pattern among some of these binocular functions. These results reflected (at least partially) different aging-related mechanism(s) in binocular vision.
