

      涂毅恒 健康與遺傳心理學(xué)研究室研究員
      電  話(huà):010-64853798
      傳  真:

      2012-2016年   香港大學(xué)          博士

      2017-2019年   哈佛大學(xué)醫學(xué)院與麻省總醫院 博士后

      2019-2020年   哈佛大學(xué)醫學(xué)院與麻省總醫院 講師

      2020年11月至今  中國科學(xué)院心理研究所    研究員


      1 結合人工智能算法和多模態(tài)神經(jīng)成像技術(shù)識別疼痛和相關(guān)腦疾病的神經(jīng)生物學(xué)指標;

      2 研究疼痛預測和干預的神經(jīng)機制,建立客觀(guān)評估疼痛感受的多維度模型;

      3 探索神經(jīng)調控技術(shù)的相關(guān)機制和特性,開(kāi)發(fā)自適應和個(gè)性化神經(jīng)調控系統。

      社會(huì )任職
      中國科學(xué)院高層次人才項目 (2022)

      1. Tu, Y.*, Li, Z., Zhang, L., Zhang, H., Bi, Y., Yue, L., & Hu, L.* (2023). Pain-preferential thalamocortical neural dynamics across species. Nature Human Behaviour, in press.
      2. Zhao, W., Zhao, L., Chang, X., Lu, X., & Tu, Y.* (2023). Elevated dementia risk, cognitive decline, and hippocampal atrophy in multisite chronic pain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120, e2215192120.
      3. Zhang, H., Zhao, L., Lu, X., Peng, W., Zhang, L., Zhang, Z., Hu, L., Cao, J. *, & Tu, Y. * (2023). Multimodal covarying brain patterns mediate genetic and psychological contributions to individual differences in pain sensitivity. Pain, in press.
      4. Zhao, L., Zhao W., IHGC, Cao, J.*, & Tu, Y.* (2023). Causal relationships between migraine and microstructural white matter: a Mendelian randomization study. Journal of Headache and Pain, 24, 10.
      5. Liu, J., Tao, J., Cai, G., Chen, J., Zhao, L., Wang, Y., Xu, S., Chen, R., Hu, L., Cao, J., Chen, L., & Tu, Y.* (2023). The altered hippocampal functional connectivity and serum BDNF level predict cognitive decline in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Cerebral Cortex, bhad305.
      6. Tu, Y. H., Wilson, G., Camprodon, J., Dougherty, D., Vangel, M., Benedetti, F., Kaptchuk, T., Gollub, R. and Kong, J.*, (2021) “Manipulating placebo analgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia by changing brain excitability”, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 118:e2101273118.
      7. Tu, Y. H., Fu, Z. N., Gollub, R., Park, J., Wilson, J., Napadow, V., Gerber, J., Chan, S. T., Edwards, R., Kaptchuk, T., Calhoun, V., Rosen, B. and Kong, J.*, (2020) “Distinct thalamocortical network dynamics are associated with the pathophysiology of chronic low back pain”, Nature Communications, 11:3948.
      8. Tu, Y. H., Bi, Y. Z., Zhang, L. B., Wei, H., and Hu, L*. (2020), “Mesocorticolimbic pathways encode cue based expectancy effects on pain”, Journal of Neuroscience, 40: 382-394.
      9. Tu, Y. H.#, Zeng, F.#, Lan, L.#, Li, Z. J., Maleki, N., Liu, B., Chen, J., Wang, C. C., Park, J., Lang, C., Gao, Y. J., Liu, M. L., Fu, Z. N., Zhang, Z. G., Liang, F. R.* and Kong, J.*, (2020) “An fMRI based neural marker for migraine”, Neurology, 94: e741-e751.
      10. Tu, Y. H.#, Fu, Z. N.#, Zeng, F.#, Maleki, N., Lan, L., Li, Z. J., Park, J., Wilson, G., Gao, Y. J., Liu, M. L., Calhoun. V., Liang, F. R.* and Kong, J.*, (2019) “Abnormal thalamo-cortical dynamics in migraine”, Neurology, 92: e2706-2716.
      11. Tu, Y. H., Fu, Z. N., Maleki, N.*, (2019) “When does the youthfulness of the female brain emerge?”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116: 10632-10633.
      12. Tu, Y. H., Jung, M., Gollub, R., Napadow, V., Gerber, J., Ortiz, A., Lang, C., Mawla, I., Shen, W., Chan, S. T., Wasan, A., Edwards, R., Kaptchuk, T., Rosen, B. and Kong, J.*, (2019) “Abnormal medial prefrontal cortex functional connectivity and its association with clinical symptoms in chronic low back pain”, Pain, 160: 1308-1318.


      # 共同第一作者,*通訊作者



      科技創(chuàng )新2030-“腦科學(xué)與類(lèi)腦研究”青年科學(xué)家項目(主持,在研)