

      胡理 健康與遺傳心理學(xué)研究室研究員
      電  話(huà):
      傳  真:
      胡理,中國科學(xué)院心理研究所研究員,中國科學(xué)院大學(xué)崗位教師,博士生導師,國家自然科學(xué)基金委優(yōu)秀青年科學(xué)基金獲得者,獲中科院朱李月華優(yōu)秀教師獎,中國科學(xué)院教育教學(xué)成果獎二等獎,中國科學(xué)院大學(xué)領(lǐng)雁銀獎,首屆“瀚翔”青年科學(xué)家獎等。主要關(guān)注疼痛和情緒信息編碼與調節的認知神經(jīng)機制,通過(guò)跨物種的研究手段,結合多模態(tài)腦影像和認知神經(jīng)調控技術(shù),研究疼痛和情緒信息處理的腦神經(jīng)機制,搭建疼痛大數據信息化平臺,并基于此開(kāi)發(fā)人體疼痛評測系統和基于多模態(tài)生理信號的負性情緒自動(dòng)識別與調控系統。此外,重點(diǎn)探索緩解疼痛、改善情緒的認知神經(jīng)調控技術(shù),為減輕痛苦和舒緩情緒提供了有效的策略。近年來(lái),先后主持了國家自然科學(xué)基金、國家重點(diǎn)研發(fā)計劃、世界疼痛研究學(xué)會(huì )國際合作基金等多個(gè)研究項目/課題;在Molecular Psychiatry、Trends in Neurosciences、PNAS、Nature Communications和Journal of Neuroscience等權威期刊發(fā)表了100多篇學(xué)術(shù)論文;申請發(fā)明專(zhuān)利5項,獲批計算機軟件著(zhù)作權登記2項;出版中英文專(zhuān)著(zhù)3部(《EEG Signal Processing and Feature Extraction》、《腦電信號處理與特征提取》、《疼痛認知神經(jīng)科學(xué)》)。

      2001-2005    天津大學(xué)                   自動(dòng)化                                     學(xué)士
      2005-2007    天津大學(xué)                   檢測技術(shù)及自動(dòng)化裝置            碩士

      2007-2010    香港大學(xué)                   生物醫學(xué)工程                          博士

      2009-2010    University of Oxford                                                  訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者
      2010-2011    University College London                                        訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者
      2011-2016    西南大學(xué)                                                                    研究員
      2016-今        中國科學(xué)院心理研究所                                               研究員

      社會(huì )任職
      1. Wang, H.L., Guo, Y.F., Tu, Y.H., Peng, W.W., Lu, X.J., Bi, Y.Z., Iannetti, G.D., Hu, L.#, 2022. Neural processes responsible for the translation of sustained nociceptive inputs into subjective pain experience. Cerebral Cortex, doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhac090.
      2. Ren, Q.Y., Yang, Y., Wo, Y., Lu, X.J., Hu, L., 2021. Different priming effects of empathy on neural processing associated with first-hand pain and nonpain perception. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, doi.org/10.1111/nyas.14723.
      3. Zhang, H.J., Bi, Y.Z., Hou, X., Lu, X.J., Tu, Y.H., Hu, L.#, 2021. The role of negative emotions in sex differences in pain sensitivity. NeuroImage, 245, 118685.
      4. Fu, Z.N., Tu, Y.H., Calhoun, V.D., Zhang, Y.Q., Zhao, Q., Chen, J., Meng, Q.T., Lu, Z.J., Hu, L.#, 2021. Dynamic functional connectivity associated with post-traumatic stress symptoms in COVID-19 survivors. Neurobiology of Stress, 15, 100377.
      5. Tu, Y.H., Zhang, Y.Q., Li, Y., Zhao, Q., Bi, Y.Z., Lu, X.J., Kong, Y.Z., Wang, L., Lu, Z.J., Hu, L.#, 2021. Post-traumatic stress symptoms in COVID-19 survivors: a self-report and brain imaging follow-up study. Molecular Psychiatry, 1-6.
      6. Wang, F.X., Zhang, L.B., Yue, L.P., Zeng, Y.X., Zhao, Q., Gong, Q.J., Zhang, J.B., Liu, D.Y., Lin, C.Y., Luo, X.Y., Xia, X.L., Wan, L., Hu, L.#, 2021. A Novel Method to Simultaneously Record Spinal Cord Electrophysiology and Electroencephalography Signals. NeuroImage, 232, 117892.
      7. Lu, X.J., Yao, X.R., Thompson, W.F., Hu, L.#, 2021. Movement-induced analgesia: Behavioral characteristics and neural mechanisms. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1497 (1), 39-56.
      8. Tu, Y.H., Gao, J., Bi, Y.Z., Hu, L.#, 2020. Magnetic resonance imaging for chronic pain: diagnosis, manipulation, and biomarkers. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 64 (6), 879-896.
      9. Li, H., Li, X.Y., Gao, F., Kong, Y.Z., Hu, L., 2020. Deficits in ascending and descending pain modulation pathways in patients with postherpetic neuralgia. NeuroImage, 221, 117186.
      10. Yue, L.P., Iannetti, G.D., Hu, L.#, 2020. The neural origin of nociceptive-induced gamma band oscillations. Journal of Neuroscience, 40 (17), 3478-3490.
      11. Zhou, L.L., Bi, Y.Z., Liang, M., Kong, Y.Z., Tu, Y.H., Zhang, X.Y., Song, Y.Y., Du, X., Tan, S.P., Hu, L.#, 2020. A modality-specific dysfunction of pain processing in schizophrenia. Human Brain Mapping, 41 (7), 1738-1753.
      12. Tu, Y.H., Bi, Y.Z., Zhang, L.B., Wei, H., Hu, L.#, 2020. Mesocorticolimbic pathways encode cue-based expectancy effects on pain. Journal of Neuroscience, 40(2):382-394.
      13. Hu, L.#, Iannetti, G.D., 2019. Neural indicators of perceptual variability of pain across species. PNAS, 116(5): 1782-1791.
      14. Peng, W.W., Tang, Z.Y., Zhang, F.R., Li, H., Kong, Y.Z., Iannetti, G.D., Hu, L.#, 2019. Neurobiological mechanisms of TENS-induced analgesia. NeuroImage, 195:396-408.
      15. Jin, Q.Q., Wu, G.Q., Peng, W.W., Xia, X.L., Hu, L.#, Iannetti, G.D., 2018. Somatotopic representation of second pain in the primary somatosensory cortex of humans and rodents. The Journal of Neuroscience, 38(24): 5538-5550.
      16. Peng, W.W., Xia, X.L., Yi, M., Zhang, Z.G., Huang, G., Iannetti, G.D., Hu, L.#, 2018. Brain oscillations reflecting pain-related behavior in freely-moving rats. Pain, 159(1): 106-118.
      17. Liu, J.X., Liu, H.J., Mu, J.Y., Xu, Q., Chen, T., Dun, W.H., Yang, J., Tian, J., Hu, L.#, Zhang, M., 2016. Altered white matter microarchitecture in the cingulum bundle in women with primary dysmenorrhea: a tract-based analysis study. Human Brain Mapping, 38(9):4430-4443.
      18. Hu, L.#, Iannetti, G.D., 2016. Painful issues in pain prediction. Trends in Neurosciences, 39(4): 212-220.
      19. Hu, L.#, Iannetti, G.D., 2016. Issues in pain prediction – beyond pain and gain. Trends in Neurosciences, 39(10): 640-642.
      20. Xia, X.L., Peng, W.W., Iannetti, G.D., Hu, L.#, 2016. Laser-evoked cortical responses in freely-moving rodents reflect the activation of C-fibre afferent pathways. NeuroImage, 128: 209-217.
      21. Tu, Y.H., Zhang, Z.G., Tan, A., Peng, W.W., Hung, Y.S., Moayedi, M., Iannetti, G.D., Hu, L.#, 2016. Alpha and Gamma Oscillation Amplitudes Synergistically Predict the Perception of Forthcoming Nociceptive Stimuli. Human Brain Mapping, 37 (2), 501-514.
      22. Hu, L.#, Xia, X.L., Peng, W.W., Su, W.X., Luo, F., Yuan, H., Chen, A.T., Liang, M., Iannetti, G.D., 2015. Was It a Pain or a Sound? Across-species Variability in Sensory Sensitivity. Pain, 156 (12), 2449-2457.
      23. Hu, L.#, Zhang, L., Chen, R., Yu, H.B., Li, H., Mouraux, A., 2015. The primary somatosensory cortex and the insula contribute differently to the processing of transient and sustained nociceptive and non-nociceptive somatosensory inputs. Human Brain Mapping, 36 (11), 4346-4360.
      24. Hu, L.#, Zhang, Z.G., Mouraux, A., Iannetti, G.D., 2015. Multiple linear regression to estimate time-frequency electrophysiological responses in single trials. NeuroImage, 111: 442-453.
      25. Hu, L.#, Cai, M.M., Xiao, P., Luo, F., Iannetti, G.D., 2014. Human Brain Responses to Concomitant Stimulation of Aδ and C Nociceptors. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34 (34): 11439-11451.
      26. Hu, L.#, Xiao, P., Zhang, Z.G., Mouraux, A., Iannetti, G.D., 2014. Single-trial time-frequency analysis of electrocortical signals: baseline correction and beyond. NeuroImage, 84: 876–887.
      27. Hu, L.#, Valentini, E., Zhang, Z.G., Liang, M., Iannetti, G.D., 2014. The primary somatosensory cortex contributes to the latest part of the cortical response elicited by nociceptive somatosensory stimuli in humans. NeuroImage, 84: 383–393.
      28. Huang, G., Xiao, P., Iannetti, G.D., Zhang, Z.G., Hu, L.#, 2013. A novel approach to predict subjective pain perception from single-trial laser-evoked potentials. NeuroImage, 81:283-293.
      29. Liang, M., Mouraux, A., Hu, L., Iannetti, G.D., 2013. Primary Sensory Cortices Contain Distinguishable Spatial Patterns of Activity for Each Sense. Nature Communications, 4:1979.
      30. Zhang, Z.G.*, Hu, L.*, Hung, Y.S., Mouraux, A., Iannetti, G.D., 2012. Gamma-band oscillations in the primary somatosensory cortex – a direct and obligatory correlate of subjective pain intensity. The Journal of Neuroscience, 32(22):7429-7438.
      31. Hu, L., Zhang, Z.G., Hu, Y., 2012. A Time-Varying Source Connectivity Approach to Reveal Human Somatosensory Information Processing. NeuroImage, 62:217-228.
      32. Valentini, E.*, Hu, L.*, Chakrabarti, B., Aglioti, S.M., Hu, Y., Iannetti, G.D., 2012. The primary somatosensory cortex largely contributes to the early part of the cortical response elicited by nociceptive stimuli. NeuroImage, 59(2):1571-81.
      33. Hu, L., Mouraux, A., Hu, Y., Iannetti, G.D., 2010. A novel approach for enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio and detecting automatically event-related potentials (ERPs) in single trials. NeuroImage 50, 99-111.

