

      李永娟 社會(huì )與工程心理學(xué)研究室研究員
      電  話(huà):86-10-64858728
      傳  真:86-10-64872070

      2013.12- 中國科學(xué)院心理研究所 研究員
      2005.02-2013.12 中國科學(xué)院心理研究所副研究員
      9/2005-9/2007 伊利諾伊大學(xué)香檳分校訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者
      2003.06-2003.07 香港中文大學(xué)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者
      2002.10-2003.05 柏林工業(yè)大學(xué)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者
      2002.07-2005.02 中國科學(xué)院心理研究所助理研究員
      1997.09-2002.07 中國科學(xué)院心理研究所 應用心理學(xué) 理學(xué)博士
      1993.09-1997.07 浙江大學(xué)(原杭州大學(xué))心理學(xué)系 工業(yè)心理學(xué) 理學(xué)學(xué)士

      本人的研究興趣為影響個(gè)體與組織安全績(jì)效的因素,具體包括:(1) 探討在組織場(chǎng)所中,影響安全績(jì)效的個(gè)體與情境因素,通過(guò)訪(fǎng)談、問(wèn)卷、實(shí)驗等方法探索相關(guān)影響因素及其影響機制;(2) 探討影響道路使用者交通不安全行為的因素,以行人和機動(dòng)車(chē)駕駛員為研究對象,通過(guò)情境模擬實(shí)驗、實(shí)驗室實(shí)驗等方法,探索相關(guān)因素的影響機制及干預對策建議。
      社會(huì )任職


      Xi, L., Wang, G., Shi, B., Li, Y.#, & Zhang, L#. (2020). The work behaviors of patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) during the autumn pollen season. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 9(5), 2776-2785.

      Yuan, X., Xu, Y., & Li, Y. (2020). Resource depletion perspective on the link between abusive supervision and safety behaviors. Journal of business ethics, 162(1), 213-228.

      Yan, S., Feng, Y., Xu, Y., & Li, Y. (2019). Psychometric properties and criterion validity of STEU-B and STEM-B in Chinese context. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1156.

      Yuan, Z., Barnes, C. M., & Li, Y.* (2018). Bad behavior keeps you up at night: counterproductive work behaviors and insomnia. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(4), 383-398.

      Jiang L., Li, F., Li, Y., Li, R. (2017). Leader-member exchange and safety citizenship behavior: The mediating role of coworker trust. Work, 56(3), 387-395. doi: 10.3233/WOR-172504.

      Li, F., Wang, G., Li, Y., & Zhou, R. (2017). Job demands and driving anger: the roles of emotional exhaustion and work engagement. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 98, 198-205.

      Ralston, D. A., Egri, C. P., Karam, C. M., Li, Y., & Fu, P. P. (2017). Changes in work values across the regions of China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1-35.

      Yuan Z., Li, Y.*, Tetrick, L. E. (2015). Job hindrances, job resources, and safety performance: The Mediating Role of Job Engagement. Applied Ergonomics, 51, 163-171

      Xu, Y., Li, Y.*, Li, S., & Du, F. (2014). Effects of automatic processes on safety performance: implications for astronauts. In Human Performance in Space: Advancing Astronautics Research in China (pp. 24-25). Washington, DC: Science/AAAS.

      Xu, Y., Li, Y.*, Wang, G., Yuan, X., Ding, W., Shen, Z.(2014). Attentional bias toward Safety Predicts Safety Behaviors. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 71, 144-153.

      Yuan, Z., Li, Y.*, Lin, J. (2014). Linking Challenge and Hindrance Stress to Safety Performance: The Moderating Effect of Core Self-evaluation. Personality and Individual Difference, 68, 154-159.

      Xu, Y., Li, Y.*, & Jiang, L. (2014). The effects of situational factors and impulsiveness on drivers’ intentions to violate traffic rules: Difference of driving experience. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 62, 54-62.

      Xu, Y., Li, Y.*, Ding, W., & Lu, F. (2014). Controlled versus automatic processes: which is dominant to safety? The moderating effect of inhibitory control. PLoS one, 9(2), e87881. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0087881.

      Li, D., Yuan, X., & Li, Y.* (2014). Effect of situational factors on pedestrian intention to jaywalk. Proceedings of the 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 1770 – 1774

      Xu, Y., Li, Y.*, & Zhang, F. (2013). Pedestrians’ intention to jaywalk: Automatic or planned? A study based on a dual-process model in China. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 50, 811-819.

      Li, F., Jiang, L., Yao, X., & Li, Y. (2013). Job demands, job resources and safety outcomes: the roles of emotional exhaustion and safety compliance. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 51, 243-251.

      Zhang, J., Ding, W., Li, Y., & Wu, C. (2013). Task complexity matters: The influence of trait mindfulness on task and safety performance of nuclear power plant operators. Personality and Individual Differences, 55(4), 433-439.

      Zhang, J., Li, Y., & Wu, C. (2013). The influence of individual and team cognitive ability on operators’ task and safety performance: A Multilevel Field Study in Nuclear Power Plants. PloS one, 8(12), e84528.

      Ralston, D. A., Egri, C. P., Furrer, O., Kuo, M. H., Li, Y., Wangenheim, F., ... & Weber, M. (2013). Societal-Level Versus Individual-Level Predictions of Ethical Behavior: A 48-Society Study of Collectivism and Individualism. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-24.

      楊娃, 邢禹, 關(guān)梅林, & 李永娟*. (2017). 積極心理健康教育視角下心理資源對中職生親社會(huì )和攻擊行為的影響——情緒的中介作用. 中國特殊教育, 5, 30-35

      李永娟*, 徐媛媛, 袁瀟. (2016). 目標取向對員工創(chuàng )新行為的影響機制研究. 北京工商大學(xué)學(xué)報(社會(huì )科學(xué)版), 31(4), 108-115.

      王廣曦, 李穎, 李永娟*. (2016). 基于日記法探索工作壓力對生活滿(mǎn)意度的溢出效應. 中國臨床心理學(xué)雜志, 24, 689-694.

      袁瀟, 李永娟*. (2015). 反事實(shí)思維對行人交通安全行為意向的影響. 心理科學(xué), 38(1), 388-393.

      宋勃東, 李永娟, 董好葉, 方平, & 王巖. (2015). 無(wú)懼失敗預測幸福:成就動(dòng)機對心理幸福感的預測作用. 心理科學(xué), 38(1), 203-208.

      裴改改, 郭文匯, 李永娟, & 張玉梅. (2014). 組織支持感對特戰隊員人格與情緒耗竭的調節作用. 中華行為醫學(xué)與腦科學(xué)雜志, 23(1), 46-48.

      楊穎, 李永娟*. (2013). 賽前情緒和應對方式對特戰隊員射擊績(jì)效的影響. 中華行為醫學(xué)與腦科學(xué)雜志, 22(6), 562-563







